Our lives revolve around change. The world we live in is ever-changing and evolving and we have become almost blind to all of the changes around us. With this project I would like to present the changes we go through spiritually and physically in our lives, As tattoos - presented to the world. But in a world with endless images, How can you tell your story in a new and unique way? A few years ago I decided to build a language that could express the changes we go through spiritually and physically in our lives, using tattoos - on our bodies. Tattoos have always marked a story or process, we've gone through and like to commemorate somehow. This project is a tattoo language inspired by the ancient art of body painting and scarification and allows us to tell a never-ending story of the person in full with the option to continue the tattoo and evolve it as the person evolves through their life. You are able to choose a single symbol or a few and possibly add on to in throughout your life. The tattoo language contains 3 parts: Part 1 - The Story Part 2 - The Experience Part 3 - The Color This language describes different changes we go through in our lives and allows us to present them on our bodies in a way where even if someone else went through the same thing we have, our tattoos would look unique to each person using a unique design and their own body type. This tattoo language revolves around change. Therefore its name - CHANGES P.S This tattoo language has no end. What this means is that if you have a word or a sentence you would like to tattoo, but there aren't the exact symbols to describe it - please share your thoughts with me, and I just might add another symbol to my tattoo language thanks to you.